Google Algorithm Update: Don’t Panic, Just Adapt!
Google frequently updates its algorithms. They claim to do it thousands of times each year. With billions of webpages on the internet, it’s crucial to sort them to make them available to the user. And Google uses ranking systems to do just that. With more and more data piling up, new Google algorithm updates are crucial to keep the system running smoothly.
Google Algorithm Updates can affect your business because there can be a sudden drop in internet traffic to your website. What works today might not do so tomorrow. Therefore, it can be reason enough to panic. But calm down and simply adapt to the latest Google search algorithm update to use SEO to the benefit of the businesses.

Google Algorithm Update
What is Google Algorithm Update?
Google’s main aim is to give users what they are looking for. For this, Google’s algorithm searches millions of pages each minute to retrieve data and deliver it instantly. Google handles more than 40,000 searches per second, so the tiniest of updates to the algorithm can have a considerable impact. But to maintain good search results for the user, it releases a Google core update every few months.
In December 2020, Google rolled out its third core update of the year- Google’s December 2020 Core Update. People are finding this update tricky are of a very high level. It could be an attempt from Google to understand a site entirely. Therefore, it’s tough to identify specific changes. Dave Davies of Beanstalk Internet Marketing tweeted that update had “something to do with a signal or signals that cascade.” People are still speculating what the latest Google search algorithm update is all about.
Previously the update was done in May 2020. There have been many google core updates like Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Mobile, RankBrain, Medic, Bert, Pigeon, Fred, Page Layout Algorithm, Intrusive Interstitials Update, etc. And it’s enough to make anyone get an anxiety attack.
How to survive Google Core Update
- Look up reliable sources
Don’t get misinformed from unreliable sources. So, whenever there is a new Google algorithm update, look for the right information. It’ll be best if you look up Google’s official site or Twitter handle. You cannot go wrong with that! - Don’t React
Don’t react as soon as an update is released. If you start making changes immediately, you might lose out. It’s better to evaluate and work on your strategy. Upgrade your existing content by value additions in an engaging tone. Well researched content never loses out. - Track your online traffic and rankings
Google updates its algorithms very frequently. These may be small updates that you might not even notice. Monitor and analyze the traffic regularly to see if there are any changes. Check the websites of your clients and competitors on Analytics or Search Console or other such tools. You should do this task regularly anyway and not only after a Google core update. - Observe and don’t rush
Don’t change your website if you don’t see much change in the traffic. Just because there is a Google algorithm update does not mandatorily mean you need to change too. Change according to your observations and needs. - Do an audit of your website
Once you track your rankings and observe the changes, you should do an audit of your website. The four areas you should look at are technical, content, backlinks, and user experience. - Talk to an expert
Suppose you are unable to tackle the situation, talk to an expert. They will know how to handle the latest google search algorithm update and how to prioritize problems. They can significantly help if you have a Google penalty. - Develop a formidable strategy
Follow the traffic trends and observe how things have changed for you. Then formulate a well thought out strategy and handle issues one by one. Don’t create a mess by trying to tackle all the problems at once.
You can’t stop the Google core updates. They will happen unexpectedly, so it’s best to brace yourself up for the situation. The most sensible advice any expert will give you whenever there is a new Google algorithm update is to remain calm, don’t panic, understand where you stand, re-strategize, and continue with good SEO.