Smart Web Design
How to Maximize Sales with Smart Web Design
Most marketers know that good web design can increase sales, but not every business website is designed with this in mind. Many businesses could increase their profits just by making a few simple design adjustments.
Good web design will not only boost web lead conversions, it will also strengthen your brand image and set you apart from the competition. With this in mind, here are some web design tips to make your website more user-friendly and maximize your sales numbers.
Keep It Simple:
Starting on the homepage, make it clear what you offer, and make it easy for visitors to find the information and products they’re looking for. This involves clear navigation, links, and calls-to-action. For ecommerce sites, a prominent search box will help users find products. Make it easy for web visitors to see what’s in their cart and remove items. Keep forms simple, and provide a guest checkout option.
Make Important Information Easily Accessible:
Most customers want to know a few things before they make a purchase:
- Product prices
- Shipping costs
- Delivery times
- Your phone number
- Email address
- Your returns policy
Make sure all this information is clearly displayed where shoppers expect to find it. You could also introduce a live chat option for shoppers who want some real-time advice.
Include at Least One Call-to-Action Per Page:
To drive conversions, you need to encourage visitors to take the next step, whatever that may be. But too many calls-to-action on one page can look spammy, so think about the real purpose of each page and try to feature one prominent call-to-action that drives visitors closer to making a purchase. For example, on a product page the obvious call-to-action button would be a large “add to cart” button.
Use Images and Videos Wisely:
Images and videos make customers feel more comfortable about buying something. Unlike in a physical store, buyers can’t touch the products, so you need to help them visualize what they’ll get with multiple views of each product. This applies to services too. Upload a video to visually demonstrate what customers will receive.
Use Social Proof
It’s human nature to trust recommendations from friends and other sources. To maximize your sales, use social proof as early as possible in the buying process. Customer reviews, ratings, social likes and shares, trust badges, and testimonials will all help to make potential customers feel more secure about buying.
Optimize Your Content:
The actual content on a web page not only reflects your brand’s personality, it also guides customers around your website. Keep your copy concise, use statements that encourage visitors to click on particular links and buttons, and use subheadings to break up text. All your content has the power to strengthen your company image and influence visitor behavior.
Design for Success:
These are just a few simple design techniques to boost brand loyalty and improve website sales.
Basically, maximizing website sales boils down to:
- Creating a good-looking, user-friendly site
- Providing clear information and intuitive navigation
- Making visitors feel comfortable about making a purchase
Stick to these guidelines and you might be surprised at what a few design adjustments can do for your bottom line.