April 20, 2023

The Ultimate List of Law Firm Marketing Strategies

There are many websites online offering solutions for law firm marketing strategies. The Internet is, after all, a massive collection of information, opinions, and advertisements. Even for court officers, who are generally used to reading through large volumes of paperwork, finding relevant marketing tips for law firms is almost impossible.

To make matters worse, the Internet appears different to every user. The rules and trends on various social media channels also keep changing.

Digital marketing offers many avenues for promoting your services. These are your famous social media channels, Google ads, websites, SEOs, etc. How does a lawyer or a law firm select the correct platform to create a sustainable strategy?

As a trusted digital partner for law firms, we have done this research for you. Our research has led us to conclude that the two significant challenges lawyers face in digital marketing are scale and categorization.

If you’ve just set up a private practice as a lawyer, digital marketing strategies that work for you will differ from those for bigger firms. Read the tips below and shortlist a few tips to focus on strategies based on the scale of your operations and marketing objectives.

The Case for Digital Marketing Strategies for Law Firms

Still, skeptics in the law fraternity shy away from digital marketing. If you’re one of the skeptics, then we present your competitors as our leading witnesses to make our case.

Digital presence matters to all law practitioners because your clients have started using the Internet as their first legal counsel. Corporations and individuals alike refer to the Internet for their choice of attorneys.

It’s the reason your competitors are investing in their digital marketing campaigns. We see no reason you should avoid using these tools to make your counsel available to potential clients.

The digital space offers media and tools that will allow you to connect and present your case to your target audience directly. Use these tools judiciously by noting the marketing tips given below. Make your legal counsel readily available to those who need it the most.

Customer-Centric Websites

Websites play the same role in digital space that an office does in the real world. Your digital presence begins with your website. Building a website is not that difficult, even for a small firm or individual practice.

The key takeaway here is the tone of your language on your website. It should be tailored to the type of clients you’re trying to attract.

Your website should inspire trust in your potential clients. A well-designed and maintained website is essential for inspiring trust. Think about the number of times you trust businesses based on your website experience.

Websites are also necessary to attract new talent to your firm, as applicants tend to visit company websites while deciding which firms to apply to or which offers to accept.

Statistics indicate that law firms are still not proactive in maintaining their websites. This means there is scope for you to be a step ahead of your competition by focusing on your website game. Websites do not feature in law firm marketing strategies yet, and firms continue using them as a one-way communication medium.

Vital Statistics:

American Bar Association Survey reported that 17% of respondents had websites where customers could make an appointment.

Engagement is the core appeal of a website. This statistic very clearly demonstrates the underutilization of this ability.

Engage your audience, and attract more business to your firm with your website. Be a step ahead of your competitors.

Lead with Engaging Social Media Campaigns as Part of Your Law Firm Marketing Strategy

Word-of-mouth marketing is the most impactful form of marketing. On the other hand, social media channels allow you to share campaigns that can have the same impact.

Share your success for potential clients to see. Share content that will establish you as an undisputed leader in your sphere of legal expertise. Always get testimonials from satisfied clients.

Law firms report that clients love reaching out through social media. They love looking for answers to their questions on your timeline, and many firms have reported that customers often reach out to them over social media with questions.

Of course, the biggest challenge with social media is the number of existing channels. You can choose the channel to primarily cater to your target audience and as per your legal expertise. We have given a simple breakdown below.

Facebook Since it is still the largest social media platform with people of all age groups, every legal firm should have a presence on Facebook. Facebook is especially beneficial for those practicing family law.
Twitter Twitter is often viewed as an intellectual digital platform. If your practice sports law, entertainment law, or intellectual property rights law, you should have a strong Twitter presence.
LinkedIn This is a professional channel; therefore, corporate law, compliance law, and international business law practitioners will benefit by maintaining a presence here.

Vital Statistics:

84% of law firms surveyed used organic social media traffic to generate leads.

Get Walk-In Customers with Google My Business

Your customers are Googling to search for law firms and lawyers near them. So, maintaining listings for search queries using Google My Business should be one of the key digital marketing strategies for law firms.

Complete your Google My Business profile with your firm’s name, address, and contact information. This way, your business will be shown on Google map views, making it more accessible to potential customers. Attract them to your firm with superior law firm marketing strategies and keep them away from your competitors.

Google is the Yellow Pages of our times, bringing volumes of information to your customer’s fingertips. Your business needs to stand out on search queries for immediate interaction.

Don’t forget to list your website and contact information on Google My Business. Customers always visit the business website before contacting the business via phone or other media.

Vital Statistics:

72% of consumers who did a local search query visited a business within 5 miles.

This is how powerful Google is in attracting potential walk-in customers. This is one of the must-do marketing tips for law firms just starting out with their business and catering to a localized clientele.

SEO is the Key to Promoting Your Business Online

The systems by which clients search, and approach businesses have changed rapidly. This change poses challenges but also brings with it fascinating opportunities.

Search engine optimization is at the core of these opportunities. SEO is one of the essential marketing tips for all law firms, big and small.

The marketing activities done within the ambit of SEO have tremendous potential to generate better ROI. These activities lead to creating relevant and quality content consumed by your clients and tailored to their needs.

It makes your communication more engaging and profitable. Tailor the content on your websites and blogs using SEO.

This is one of the fail-safe law firm marketing strategies. If you’re still not convinced, just look at the evidence we are presenting in the form of the following statistics.

Vital Statistics:

SEO gave an average 526% ROI over three years for an average law firm.

This statistic would convince the most ardent of skeptics. This quintessential digital marketing strategy for law firms should no longer be ignored. Get working on your SEO strategy now!

Retain Clients with Email Marketing

The first four tips were about finding new clients. This marketing tip is for law firms to retain clients. There are already clients on your roaster with pending cases that have been postponed to later.

Such clients need to have your firm at the forefront of their thoughts when they think about getting legal support. Just keep them abreast of the happenings at your firm.

Make sure they know you have been practicing law successfully in your field of expertise all this while. If trust is the cornerstone of a lawyer-client relationship, then Email marketing aims to reinforce this trust.

There are three segments of clients that you can target with email marketing :

  1. Clients that have worked with you on a project basis.
  2. Clients with ongoing cases.
  3. Clients you know might face litigation soon.

Make your case to these clients beforehand, so they approach you with their requirements. Email marketing is an effective digital marketing strategy that several law firms have utilized to achieve convertible leads.

Vital Statistic:

According to the American Bar Survey, the number of law firms that reported emailing newsletters increased from 20% in 2020 to 41% in 2021.

Emailers and newsletters are becoming a core part of many law firms’ marketing strategies. You also need to respond to the competition with your email marketing content.

Analyze the Response to Your Law Firm Marketing Strategies

The conversational nature of the internet has ensured that all marketing strategies are given with proper analytics. What was the level of engagement to your blogs or your ads? Which keywords attracted the most customers? These vital questions are answered by analytics.

Each of the five strategies mentioned here is governed by its individual set of metrics to measure success. Use this curated vital feedback for every strategy to improve your success rate. All digital marketing strategies for law firms need to be aligned with how the audiance is responding and what’s the feedback.

Most law firms, even today, simply assign a lawyer to look after their digital marketing. We, digital marketing professionals, feel the same way about this as lawyers do when a client tries to present his own case.

If possible, hire experts to handle your digital marketing. Statistics suggest this act alone will set you apart from your competition.

Vital Statistics:

Mere 14% of respondents to the survey reported their law firm having an outside agency giving them regular reports on digital marketing.

Such oversights in an industry are rare. The dividends for those exploiting this oversight are immense. Work with a digital agency to promote your expert services.

Build an even better roaster of satisfied clients that will keep coming back to you for your guidance. Thrive by using all of the aforementioned marketing tips for law firms, with a Tampa digital marketing agency guiding you through and through. We are armed to deliver more than you expect. We have already presented all the evidence supporting our suggestions and strategies. We would love to help you implement these strategies for your brand’s growth. With this request, we do rest our case.

We are also a trusted Tampa web design company and are recommended by several businesses in the area. Connect and know for yourself; come, follow the VSF Way!

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